
The School Board, under the leadership of Ms Jess Russell, takes an active role in the School community by supporting the Principal and staff. The School Board works collaboratively, in an advisory and supportive role, with the Principal within the broader parameters established by the Governing Council and Catholic Education Tasmania (CET).

Particular responsibilities of the Board include, to:

  • advise on, and assist with, the formulation of policy for the conduct of the School in line with Tasmanian Catholic Education Commission and Catholic Education Tasmania policies and Governing Council directives;
  • co-operate with, and support, the Principal in maintaining the School as an institute of Catholic Education;
  • contribute, where possible, in matters regarded as major initiatives and/or changes;
  • liaise with the local Parish Priest and Parish Pastoral Council, in matters of mutual concern to the School and Parish;
  • participate in, and co-operate with, the School in the planning, research, development, implementation and evaluation of the School’s Strategic Plan;
  • contribute to the planning and management of maintenance and building programmes necessary for the recurrent and long-term welfare, and effective development, of the School; and
  • oversee the finances of the School, and the prudent use of funds, according to the provisions of this Constitution and the directions of the TCEO.
